Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bacteria aids in Memory Storage and Anxiety Reduction

Recent studies show that changes in gut bacteria make mice less anxious and lowering levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. In humans, the link between gut bacteria and mental health is very evident. The wide range of the many microbes living in the gut affect people's physical health as well as their mental health. New research performed in England discovered that probiotics/prebiotics-strains of good bacteria- in the gut change the way in which people process emotional information, subsequently providing strong evidence that the changes in gut bacteria have anti-anxiety affects. Scientists are studying whether it would be possible to treat anxiety and/or depression with these strains of good bacteria or even improve the response to psychiatric drugs that these individuals take. Researcher, Philip Burnet, from Oxford University postulates these possibilities. There are still many studies that need to be conducted before these hypothesis can be proven as safe as well for the mental health of humans. (B)
This is not the first time that a study was conducted to further investigate the interaction between the nervous system and the gut. Nervous system signaling molecules also live in the intestines of the gut (aka: neurotransmitters) that are also found in the brain. Serotonin also known as the happy hormone is found in both locations. Researchers from Ireland in University College Cork gave a group of healthy men doses of 'Bifido-bacterium longum 1714' as the researchers noted responses to somewhat stressful situations. They found that certain probiotic bacteria might not only be helpful with anxiety but also improve memory. (A)
In a recent study from England, a larger group than those in Ireland were tested, 45 healthy individuals ranging from ages 18 to 45.  These individuals either took a prebiotic or a placebo everyday for the following 3 weeks. At the end of the 3rd week, they had to complete several computer tests to see how well they processed emotional information. (B)
Those who took the prebiotic paid less attention to negative words and more to positive ones. Those who took the placebo were more likely to pay attention to the negative information than than individuals who had been taking the prebiotic for 3 weeks. The results showed that people who take medications for anxiety or depression have a similar effect to those who took the prebiotic who reported to have less anxiety about negative stimuli. (B)
Another study conducted in Chicago by the Society for Neuroscience had 22 healthy males of ages ranging from 18 to 40 were given a placebo for 4 weeks and then a probiotic for the same amount of time. (Or vice versa) The subjects were to take numerous tests and questionnaires that would report anxiety measured by 'Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory' to the researchers. (A)
One test had the participants memorizing patterns within boxes in which those that took the probiotic showed improved performance. To test stress responses, the participants were asked to put their hands in ice cold water for 3 minutes. All showed an increase in anxiety, but those taking the probiotic had less severe of an increase in anxiety compared to those who had been taking the placebo. These tests also showed that cortisol- the stress hormone- was lower during the stressful situations. The participants were also asked to use an online questionnaire to report their daily stress levels. Towards the end of the study, decreased levels of stress levels were found in those who took probiotics. (A)

 The loopholes of this study, such as testing only men, unable to provide evidence that the bacterium made it to the GI tract (which could be shown through stool samples), nor were potential mechanisms that show patterns were investigated. The researchers did not use women in this study because their menstrual cycles could affect the cortisol levels making the study more difficult to attain clear results.  They also believe that the release of molecules from the bacteria interact with nerve fibers. (A)

Subsequently,  the study found that those who took the prebiotics had lower levels of cortisol in thier salvia when they woke up in the morning. High cortisol levels have been linked with stress, anxiety and depression. However, there were no changes in the levels of stress and anxiety which could have been due to the fact that the volunteers did not take the prebiotic long enough to have an effect. Their already low levels of stress and anxiety could have also been the reason. (B)

However, a 2011 study from France found that people who took probiotics for 30 days did have reduced levels of psychological distress. Because this is just one study, its findings need to be confirmed in future research. In a 2013 study, UCLA researchers gave women milk with or without probiotics, and then scanned their brains while they viewed photos of people with emotional facial expressions. Those who took the probiotics had less activity in their brains in areas involved in processing emotions, compared with those who did not take the probiotic. (B)


*These images do not belong to me- they were found on various tumblr sites! Please let me know if any are yours and I will give you credit for them! Thanks so much~

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday Inspiration: What will your Verse be?

Amniotic Fluid: New Source for Stem Cell Research


In the research paper, "Oct-4-expressing cells in human amniotic fluid: a new source for stem cell research?" (link is located at the bottom of this article),  scientists try to use amniotic fluid of a pregnant woman as a new source of stem cell research while avoiding the ethical concerns that usually overwhelms such studies. (A)

This study investigated whether cells that express transcription factor Oct-4 are within the amniotic fluid. The embryonology of all three germ layers exist in this very fluid including different subsets of specific cells that still need clarification. (A)

There are many scientists and researchers alike whose passion resides in stem cell research where they can discover new sources of stem cells. The maintenance of Oct-4 is very important to stem cells. Each mammalian pluripotent stem cell expresses within their line the Oct-4 gene, which rapidly disappears once the cells differentiate. (A)

Samples of amniotic fluid were taken from amniocentesis which is performed after the 14th week of pregnancy during routine prenatal diagnosis. Through this process, advanced maternal age and cytogenic analyses showed normal karyotypes. (A)

In routine prenatal genetic diagnosis, a wide range of fetal abnormalities which are caused by genetic alterations, are typically discovered by doctors of the patient.  Therefore, the major focus was in finding new sources of pluripotent stem cells. Here, Oct-4 acts as a marker for these very pluripotent stem cells which are expressed in embryonic carcinoma cells, embryonic stem cells, as well as embryonic germ cells. (A)


First the cells of the amniotic fluid were tested for mRNA expression of Oct-4. Along with Oct-4, stem cell factors yimentin and alkaline phosphatases through the RT+/- PCR technique were analyzed. Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry were both used in the investigation of protein expression of Oct-4. The Oct-4-positive cells were analyzed through double immunostaining for the expression of cyclin A. (A)


The techniques that were used in this study were RT+/- PCR, Western Blot, and Immunocytochemical analyzes in order to show if in the human amniotic fluid the Oct-4- negative cells first could be found which are expresed in the nucleus. The Oct-4-positive cell samples from the amniotic fluid also expressed stem cell factors (i.e. yimentin and alkaline phosphatase mRNA). Cyclin A expression showed that these positive cells are actively dividing in the amniotic fluid.
Subsequently, these test results show that the amniotic fluid formed within the human body when a woman is pregnant can be a new source for isolating the Oct-4-positive stem cells (discussed above) avoiding ethical concerns that typically surround human embryonic research or studies. (A)


*These images do not belong to me- they were found on various tumblr sites! Please let me know if any are yours and I will happily give you credit for them. Thanks so much~

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Man Made Blood

According to British authorities, 'man-made blood' will be available to be transfused into humans in the next two years. Research assistant director, Dr. Nicholas Watkins, who specializes in NHS blood and transplant research and development states that the intention behind such research is to offer specific patient groups special treatment according to their disease, illness, etc. It is NOT for the intention to replace human donation. Scientists across the globe have been investigating for a number of years how to manufacture red blood cells to offer an alternative to donated blood to treat patients," he said. "We are confident that by 2017 our team will be ready to carry out the first early phase clinical trials in human volunteers. These trials will compare manufactured cells with donated blood. Continued investment in research and development is critical to our role in saving and improving lives through blood and organ donation." (A)

Scary Decline in Blood Donations:
Quiet recently, a warning of the evolving crisis of blood donation along with the huge decline of volunteers offering to donate blood according to NHS authorities. Figures show that there have been  40% fewer donors that came from England and Wales between the years of 2014 and 2015 compared to the years 2004 and 2005. This dramatic decline has been blamed on individuals with excessive tattoos and exotic holidays that do not permit these individuals to donate. (A)There needs to be an increase of 70% or 204,000 new blood donors to ensure that the nation's blood stocks are at a 'safe' or 'secure' level. Other reasons as to why such a dramatic decline in blood donors is because people are too busy and exotic travel which eliminates many candidates for donation in the short-term. (A)

Research Conducted:
Blood making or hematopoietic stem cells give birth to every cell circulating in your blood system whether they are RBCs, WBCs, or platelets. These stem cells contain within them the secret to stress, old age, and disease. The fates of these unspecialized cells occur in the bone marrow and shape blood production. The bone marrow is where the hematopoietic stem cells decide what type of blood cells need to be made before being released into circulation. (B)

Emmanuelle Passegué's work on rejuvination and longer life span stems from her passion of studying blood. Eager to find out through her research how we age and our body's response to diseases. Her primary goal is to develop effective remedies for blood diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, bone marrow failures, and anemia. 

Recently, her interest in blood and her focus soon became 'how aging affects hematopoietic stem cells'. There are only a certain number of hematopoietic stem cells that we are born with and because these stem cells age with us, there will be only a few remaining hematopoietic stem cells that will still function properly. Subsequently, this leaves our bodies increasingly vulnerable to various infections, blood diseases, and fatal illnesses.(B)

 In their paper, Cell Stem Cell', Passegue and her UCSF lab team described that if the causes of the decline in functionality which is heavy age-related can be understood, then the possibility to rejuvenate the older stem cells so that the health of the entire blood system can be maintained then the possibility of a longer life is possible. (B)

Other researchers, besides Passque and her UCSF lab team, are investigating the use of adult stem cells and blood from umbilical cord as alternatives for blood donation, specifically those with complex blood types who have a difficult time finding compatible donors so that the body does not reject the donation. (A) 

Biomedical engineers from the human bone marrow have produced functional blood platelets, also known as the cells within our circulatory system that causes clots to form, within the lab. This first step, is bringing researchers and scientists closer to man-made blood transfusions. This type of transfusion has only been tested on lab mice. The NHS Blood and Transport is one of eight goals of the 2020 Research and Development program that aims to develop transfusion, transplantation and regenerative medicine over the next five years. (A) Recent research program lead by Bristol, Cambridge, and Oxford Universities, are dedicated to patients with sickle cell anemia and thalassemia who need regular blood transfusions with their treatments. (A)


*These images do not belong to me- they were found on various tumblr sites! If any are yours please let me know and I will give you credit for them! Thanks so much!*

Friday, October 23, 2015

Undertanding the Human Body in real 3D

For those of you who are inspired or interested in the human anatomy, I highly suggest visiting { } It recently is one of my favorite websites to visit. They have 3D animations of different parts of the body as well as videos explaining how specific mechanisms work within the human body.

Some of the topics on the website include:

The Skeleton
The Heart & Circulatory System 
Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy & Function
Physiological Animations 
.. and really so much more! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and please comment below with some of your favorite health related websites.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

2015 Nobel Prize Winners: Lindahl, Sancar, and Modrich

Göran K Hansson, the secretary general of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said: “This year’s prize is about the cell’s tool box for repairing DNA.” Together, the repair mechanisms discovered by Lindahl, Sancar and Modrich fix thousands of DNA faults caused by UV rays, cigarette smoke, and other toxic substances. They are constantly at work to repair copying errors as cells divide. Without these repair mechanisms, the genomes would be riddled with errors, and cancer would be rife. (A)
Lindahl, Modrich, and Sancar were honored for mapping and explaining how cells repair their DNA and safeguard genetic information. They worked out how cells repair faults that inevitably occur when DNA is copied several times allowing for mutations to arise under a wide variety of environmental factors such as UV rays in sunlight that could inevitably result in skin cancer.

Lindahl searched for enzymes that would repair faulty genetic material, focusing on the weaknesses of the DNA letters paired up. Cytosine pairs only with Guanine, however when Cytosine loses an amino group- it pairs up with Adenine instead. This error in pairing in the stands cultivates a mutation the next time it is copied. He realized that cells MUST have a way to protect themselves from this and in 1974 Lindahl published the details of the enzyme responsible. (A)

Aziz Sancar
Born: 1946, Savur, Turkey
Affiliation at the time of the award: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Prize motivation: "for mechanistic studies of DNA repair"
Prize share: 1/3

Paul Modrich
Born: 1946
Affiliation at the time of the award: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Durham, NC, USA, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA
Prize motivation: "for mechanistic studies of DNA repair"
Prize share: 1/3

Tomas Lindahl
Born: 1938, Stockholm, Sweden
Affiliation at the time of the award: Francis Crick Institute, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, Clare Hall Laboratory, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Prize motivation: "for mechanistic studies of DNA repair"
Prize share: 1/3 

The committee stated that, “Their systematic work has made a decisive contribution to the understanding of how the living cell functions, as well as providing knowledge about the molecular causes of several hereditary diseases and about mechanisms behind both cancer development and ageing,” adding,  “All chemical processes are prone to random errors. Additionally, your DNA is subjected on a daily basis to damaging radiation and reactive molecules. In fact, you ought to have been a chemical chaos long before you even developed into a foetus." (A)
